Mila Haugová was born in Budapest in 1942. She studied at the College of Agriculture in Nitra and worked as an agronomist, teacher, translator and magazine editor. She has written over twenty-five poetry collections, the most recent of which are Plant Room (2011), Záhrada: labyrint: hniezdo [The Garden: the Labyrinth: the Nest] (2012), Cetonia aurata (2013) and Krajina vo mne [The Landscape Within Me] (2015). In 2010, she published her memoirs under the name Zrkadlo dovnútra [A Mirror Inside]. ‘[…] Haugová’s work feels like a method of exploring the world and existing within it,’ writes Ivana Hostová. ‘Like a tool to unveil and model the order and direction of the world, as well as the approximation of the absolute truth, core and law of human existence.’